Janice Thalheimer
Owner, Bossanova Communications
Jan originally trained as a journalist, but her first job as the sole employee of a small town newspaper meant she often had to design the ads as well—she soon discovered she liked doing that much more than writing the stories.
Since then, she has pursued her calling as an award-winning graphic designer and communications professional—creating intelligent, thoughtful materials for a wide variety of clients.
She holds the professional designation of Certified Graphic Designer (CGD), and is a skilled illustrator and painter.
2014 Community Builder Award
Alberta Farmers’ Market Association (AFMA), AFMA Cookbook
2008 IABC Capital Award of Excellence
Servus Credit Union, Term Deposit Direct Mail
2003 IABC Capital Award of Excellence
Capital City Savings, Annual Report 2003
2002 Ace Award of Distinction
St. John’s Ambulance First Aid in Child Care
1999 Ace Awards Top 100
Alberta College Career-in-a-year brochure series
1995 Ace Gold Award
Downtown Business Association Downtown Dollar Campaign